Youth Leadership Program
Program Overview
Leadership development internship for high school students.
History: In 2012 a group of volunteers wanted to give back to the community using the sport of soccer and leadership to make an impact. They found Augustus Hawkins High School and started hosting free soccer clinics at night on Fridays. The reception was well received but students began to stop showing up because it was unsafe. There were serious dangers in the south central community that did not make it easy for students to travel to the school at night. YLP then decided to change the program model and go to the students during the after school hours.
- Bresee Youth Leadership Program signed the official community partnership with Los Angeles Football Club on April 21, 2017

Yearly schedule
- Recruit new leaders - February-April
- Interview new leaders - May
- Summer Training - Last two weeks of July-beginning of august
- Fall programming - September-October
- Spring Programming - March-April
- High school students coach younger students in soccer classes providing mentorship and maintain a brave and healthy space to play sports.
School partners:
- Augustus Hawkins High School
- Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA) Dalzell Lance High School
- CNCA Cisneros
- CNCA Siart
- St. Cecilia Catholic School
- Gerald A. Lawson STEAM Academy
- Vista Horizon Global Elementary
How to apply/get involved
Applications open around February each year. Program year starts end of July
Follow LAFCYLP on social media and stay up to date with events.
If you would like to learn more, or become involved, please fill out the form below.